fisker ansøger om optagelse i sparta :D

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fisker ansøger om optagelse i sparta :D

Indlægaf fisker » 23 maj 2010, 00:58

Hej Sparta :D

Jeg hedder Bo Rasmussen aka Fisker1973 !

Jeg har jo været så heldig at tilbringe tid sammen med jer til pinsefrokosten (LAN 2010) og har hygget mig utroligt meget i jeres selskab! Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at være en del af jeres fantastiske sammenhold og hygge med gaming og druk i ægte sammenhold. Jeg er som tøserne også frisk på en gang mudderbrydning til sommerfesten, i kan bare komme an :D

Jeg har i min gamingtid stiftet bekendskab med medal of honer, need for speed samt en smule AA i selskab med jer.

Hvad er en clan? - har aldrig været medlem i en clan, da jeg ikke har fundet den rigtige før nu :P Jeg er primært til hygge, og ikke alt for seriøst gaming... er dog frisk på arrangementer og druk, samt humor på ts :D

I min hverdag arbejder jeg som lagerarbejder i et firma der hedder Coop, dejligt sted... skal nok lade være med at underholde jer med viden omkring vores fødevarer på ts...

Jeg er 36 år, det vi i dag kalder de nye 20'erne... Frisk på sjov og ballede... Jeg er oprindelig nordjyde, men blev fynbo for 5 år siden, og bor sammen med min kæreste (ALLANS EKSKONE) og 4 børn herude på landet. HEHE....

Håber virkelig at jeg er "egnet" til at være en del af SPARTA, hvem vil ikke gerne være sparta? Har haft det utrolig hyggeligt i selskab med jer, og kunne godt tænke mig at gøre dette til mere end en engangforstilling... Dvs. SPARTA FTW - Forever...

Mvh. en ivrig ansøger og drukmås = Fisker :p

General of the Army
General of the Army
Indlæg: 4322
Tilmeldt: 17 maj 2006, 20:56
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Re: fisker ansøger om optagelse i sparta :D

Indlægaf [SPARTA]SPANK » 23 maj 2010, 19:51

Hooah Fisker(BO)!

Jeg smider din ansøgning op på en poll i den Interne del af Forum og så får du svar om max. 7 dage. I mellemtiden gælder det jo så bare om, at komme flittigt på TS'en og lære så mange at kende som overhovedet muligt og fedte sig ind, u know! Du har formentligt allerede et OK forspring eftersom du deltog til LAN 2010...


Her er resultaterne til Træningen til AAO 2.8.5

Airway Management

( 1 ) a
( 2 ) b
( 3 ) a

( 4 ) c
( 5 ) c

( 6 ) b
( 7 ) a

( 8 ) b
( 9 ) d

( 10 ) a
( 11 ) a

( 12 ) b

( 13 ) a
( 14 ) b

( 15 ) c
( 16 ) a

( 17 ) a
( 18 ) a

Det vil få dig igennem med 72% (70%+ for at gennemføre)

Control Bleeding

( 1 ) b
( 2 ) b

( 3 ) a
( 4 ) b

( 5 ) c
( 6 ) b

( 7 ) a
( 8 ) c

Det vil få dig igennem med 87% (70%+ for at gennemføre)

Treat Shock

( 1 ) a
( 2 ) d
( 3 ) a

( 4 ) c
( 5 ) d

( 6 ) b
( 7 ) b

Det vil få dig igennem med 71% (70%+ for at gennemføre)

Medic Test

Unlike other games, medic is not a class onto itself. The only difference
between the medic and the other members of your squad is that if you press
"use" on a friendly wounded soldier you will heal them (and gain some honor to
boot). Although healing in AA is very easy, medic training involves several
long mulitple choice tests to qualify. Training takes place in a hospital, but
there is little of interest there except for the classes.
You can't skip past thelessons, so I suggest disabling "full screen" mode and
doing whatever you wish on your computer while the lesson plays in the
background. You have as long asyou want to take the test, so feel free to walk
away from the game for a few minutes if you don't want to listen.

-To score at least 70% on the multiple choice tests.

Airway Management

1) As a medic, what priority is it for you to help an injured soldier?
x A)First priority
B)Second priority
C)Not a priority
D)None of the above

2) It is your duty to learn first aid.
X A)True

3) Saving a human life brings honor to yourself and the United States Army.
X A)True

4) The first step inthe Combat Lifesaving Steps is:
A)Control Bleeding
B)Check the Breathing
X C)Check for Responsiveness
D)Treat for Shock
E)Protect the Wound

5) What is the primary purpose of "Shake and Shout?"
A)To make sure the casuality is not faking it
B)To attempt to get the casuality to "snap out of it"
X C)To ascertain the the subject is indeed a casuality
D)None of the above

6) If the casuality is choking or cannot talk:
A)Finish the evaluation and begin first aid
X B)Stop the evaluation and begin first aid
C)Call 911
D)Tell them to "walk it off"

7) The method to open the airway on a casuality with no suspected head or neck
injury is the head-tilt/chin-lift method.
X A)True

The most common cause of airway obstruction is:
A)Inadequately chewed food
X B)The tongue
C)Foreign objects
D)None of the above

9) Which of the below is NOT part of the head-tilt/chin-lift method?
A)Kneel at the level of the casuality's shoulders
B)Place one hand on the casuality's forhead and apply firm, backward
pressure with the palm to tilt the head back
C)Place the fingertips of the other hand under the boney part of the lower
jaw and left, bringing the chin forward
X D)Use your thumb to hold the tongue and keep it from slipping back and
blocking the airway

10)During the head-tilt/chin-lift procedure, use your thumb to lift, and use
your fingers to press into the soft tissue under the chin.
X B)False

11) The Jaw Thrust method is used to open the airway of a person who has
sustained a significant head or neck injury.
X A)True

12) Which one of these is NOT part of the Jaw Thrust procedure?
A)Kneel behind the casuality's head and rest your elbows on the surface on
which the casuality is lying
B)Place one hand on each side of the casuality's head and grasp the angles
of the lower jaw with your fingertips
C)Place your thumbs on the jaw just below the level of the teeth. Lift
with both hands to move the jaw forward.
D)use your thumbs to retract the lower lip and allow air to enter the
casuality's mouth.
X E)None of the above

13) The Look, Listen, and Feel method is used to determine if a casuality is
X A)True

14) If the casuality is not breathing:
A)Call 911
B)Continue with First AID
X C)Both A and B
D)None of the above

15) If the casuality does not spontaneously start breathing when you open their
airway, you will need to:
A)Begin the "Shake and Shout" procedure
B)Use the head-tilt/chin-lift method
X C)Provide rescue breaths
D)All of the above

16) You can tell that air is getting into the casuality's lungs because their
chest rises and falls.
X A)True

17) If you cannot seal off the casuality's nose or if the casuality has
injuries to their mouth or jaw area that prevent you from administering
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, you can administer mouth-to-nose resuscitation
X A)True

18)While giving rescue breaths, if the casuality's chse did not rise and fall,
do which of the following:
A)Try to open the casuality's airway more
B)Administer two additional breaths
C)Perform a finger sweep
X D)All of the above
E)None of the above

Controlling Bleeding

1) When exposing the wound, anything discovered stuck inside should be removed
before applying the dressing.
X B)Flase

2) Who's field dressing kit should you use first?
A)The medic's
X B)The casualty's
C)Your own
D)A buddy's

3) When wrapping the wound with the field dressing, the ends will wrap around
the wound in:
X A)Opposite directions
B)Same direction
C)Crisscross direction

4) Which statement is most correct?
A)Always elevate the wound
X B)Elevate the wound when possible
C)Never elevate the wound
D)None of the above

5) If bleeding continues after applying the field dressing, what are the
steps, in order, to take next?
A)Direct pressure, elevate if possible, and then use a tourniquet
B)Apply tourniquet immediately to prevent blood loss
X C)Direct pressure, elevate if possible, apply a pressure dressing
D)Apply a pressure dressing, elevate, use a tourniquet

6) Which statement is true?
A)Use a pressure point between the heart and the affected limb
B)Using a pressure point, be prepared to hold for at least 10 minutes
C)Slowing the flow of blood allows a clot to form
X D)All of the above

7) When covering a casualty who has a tourniquet, you should always leave the
tourniquet in plain view:
X A)True

When applying a tourniquet, what information is recorded on the casualty's
A)The time applied
B)The date and time applied
X C)A "T" and the time applied
D)The location and time applied
Treating Shock

1) Treating for shock is the first lifesaving measure
X B)False

2) Which sign or symptom is NOT associated with shock?
A)Clammy skin
B)Rapid breathing
X D)Runny nose

3) You should always elevate the casualty's feet when treating for shock.
X B)False

4) Elevate the casualty's legs except when:
A)there are unsplinted fractures
B)there is an abdominal wound
X C)Both A and B
D)None of the above

5) Make sure to provide the casualty water if they are thirsty.
X B)False

6) Which statement is true?
A)Inform the casualty about the extent of their injuries.
X B)Calm the casualty and reassure them
C)Provide food and drink to the casualty
D)Keep the casualty cool

7) When treating for shock, put the casualty on their stomach so they won't
choke if they vomit.
X B)False

Field Training

Background: Compared to the tests, this final step of medic training is very

-To treat 3 victims in order of the severity of wounds.

This mission would have been far more challenging if you did not ecounter the
most severe hurt victim first. While there is no set time limit, if you take
an unreasonably long time you will fail. Walk down the NW path until you reach
the first casualty behind a log ("Donny"). South of him near a tree is the
next casualty ("Walter"). The final casualty is NE ("Jeffrey").

Congradualations, you are now qualified as a medic.


SPANK signing out.....
SPANK say's : "If in doubt, EMPTY YOUR MAGAZINE!!!" and "Der er SQ ikke noget der hedder impotens, KUN NOGET DER HEDDER GRIMME KÆLLINGER!!!"

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